Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Favorite Tools

Who knows what will happen with the upcoming sale of the company, so i'll bookmark my favorite tools (in case I need to download them again):
  1. AstroGrep - for text searching files
  2. AutoRuns - for cleaning up the startup (and you've gotta love the name)
  3. Eclipse - just in case I need to do any Java development again
  4. Fiddler - a great http debugging aid
  5. Foxit Reader - a great, incredibly small pdf reader
  6. LDP - this has helped me immensely with my AD development
  7. Notepad++ - I've just started using this, but it is my new favorite text editor
  8. Paint.Net - This is the perfect graphics program for my meager needs
  9. Process Explorer - another great tool from sysinternals
  10. PureText - a helpful little app to allow me to easily paste only text
  11. TCPView - allows me to watch ports
  12. Window's Powershell - this is a new one for me that I like a lot
  13. Zoomit - not a lot of practical need for this, but it is a neat toy
  14. 7Zip - my open-source winzip replacement
  15. Subversion - what a great source code repository!
  16. TortoiseSVN - one of the main reasons why I love Subversion so much
  17. Display Fusion - For greater desktop control of multiple monitor setups
  18. Vs 2005 Cmd Prompt Here - Right click a folder in window's explorer, and you can open a vs 2005 cmd prompt at that folder.
  19. Clipx - A nice clipboard extender

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